
Higher Salaries Can Worsen Corruption

Date: 03 Nov, 2015  No Comments  admin

Food price volatility remains a pressing challenge for many African countries (FAO, IMF, and UNCTAD, 2011). The vast majority of Africa’s population still derives a substantial share of their income from agriculture and low-income households.

The Ebola epidemic may be over soon, but the emergency won’t be

Date: 03 Nov, 2015  No Comments  admin

Food price volatility remains a pressing challenge for many African countries (FAO, IMF, and UNCTAD, 2011). The vast majority of Africa’s population still derives a substantial share of their income from agriculture and low-income households.

Ylang-ylang Harvest For 25 People & Their Families

Date: 15 Oct, 2015  No Comments  admin

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